Smash Books

I really enjoyed working on this December smash book and am looking forward to completing some for presents next year. Following this slideshow is my research into making Smash books.

I did some research before beginning to work on my niece's present. A slideshow of her book can be seen on Saturday, Dec 3.  Her book is 6" x 8 1/2". I am planning on my book to be 8 x 10. I thought I would share my research with you. Our group also decided on an additional challenge: no new purchases, but sharing/shopping from a friend's stash is acceptable. There's a lot of information (and some of it is redundant) so grab a drink and enjoy. 

Making a Smash or Trash Book; Junk (Junque) Journal 
Themes/Titles: Life Stories, My Mind’s Eye, Random Thoughts, Life’s A Smash, So Crafty, Life’s Scraps; Travel Journal, Journeys, Remains of the Day, Remembering Christmas; 2012; My Favorites, To Do and Done; Top 10 ways to make my day; Pieces of Me; Notes to Self; Guilty Pleasures, Truly Obsessed, Sheer Indulgence, My Life List (bucket list); Right Now; Confessions, Slices of Life, Seeing is Believing; Words of Wisdom, All of/about Me; Today I...; What you see…is what you get; Self-Centered; ABC’s of Me; Book of Me; Work in Progress; My Happy Place; It All Matters; Blah, blah, blah…; My life; Here’s the Story; For the Moment; Musings that Stick; Thoughts to Jot; Smatterings of Ordinary, One day I woke up…, All I want for Chrismas…, Through the Looking Glass, Me and My Big Ideas;  Resolutions; For the Record, Book of Lists, Snippets of Life, Smashing Stuff
Size is one of the first decisions you need to make. Half page is easier to carry, but harder to put in larger items like menus and brochures
Gather paper, folders, envelopes, pockets, and decide on dividers (see below).
Paper can be from one pad and match or just be totally random and not planned
Download and print (on the back of one sided pretty paper) all sorts of forms from      Print in color/change intensity
Page construction ideas:

Add random size tags/pages into the binding; even shaped pages (heart or hand)
Use various size pages – die cut some different shapes like in our stampfest book
Add a removeable tag bookmark (for BIA)
Add pockets to the page. Just add a triangle pocket corner; vertical/horizontal, origami (think of our altered books and all the pocket books made by Laura)
Use lots of envelopes styles-including security windows
Fabric/canvas page; quilt a page; screen, burlap, felt

ADD cardstock folded over edge for added support
Glue two sheets together in a U shape to form a big pocket-you can even add a gusset
Use a variety of texture in paper (wallpaper, watercolor, text weight, handmade…)
Page protectors; baseball card holders
Fold out in a W so page is twice as big
Add a file folder/jacket
Calendars pages, dictionary pages
Vellum and acetate pages that are embossed (wet and dry)
Recycle newsprint; boxes and bags; bingo cards, cards,
Border punch/tear edges or use corner punches
Window pages
Food boxes/wrappers as paper
Xerox found items/ fabric to create paper
Add tabs to divide sections (Anita’s die cut, SU punch, use a file folder –full or partial)
Tab titles: jotted, random, quoted, saved, sketched, inspired, deep thoughts
Projects, food for thought, ideas, work, traditions,
Use the half page binder from Staples as a book
Journal within a maze page
scrapbook page refill protectors  as clear pockets
If giving as a gift, add a sheet of stickers right into the binding
Add a tray for supplies on the go: see youtube: A smashing book by UKmaryanne

Page decorating/content ideas:

Mask and mist; ink, dry brush, direct to paper, paint, stencil
Journal prompts (see below for inspiration)
Stamp-clear life memories set
Journal boxes/stamps (stamp directly on page or save in a baggie)
Scraps, trials and leftovers from projects
project ideas (Cyndi), sketches, design ideas
Collage stamps
Zentangles and doodles
Quotes, newspaper and magazine clippings, poems
Proof of life
tickets, paystubs, bills, receipts, cards, letters, emails; maps, match books, napkins, sand, postcards, wrappers

Souvenirs, menus, swizzle sticks, boarding passes, hotel keys, photos, wine labels, business cards, flyers, brochures, cards,

cookie fortunes, feathers, recipes, favorite movies, VIP passes, paint swatches, notes to self, jokes (it's the tassle), food wrappers
Start with dedication page
Clips, brads, staples, tissue tape, duct tape, sewn in

Favorites lists – see page 31-2
Wish lists, to do lists, reading lists, life lists (see Cyndi’s Book of Lists table of contents for ideas)
because you like it and that's reason enough.

Random thoughts, dreams
Top 10…

Page closure ideas

Add metal posts and use a hair tie (enclose knot in bead)
Add a hair tie set with Holtz pins; even set a button with a shank with Holtz pins
Elastic bands (hair bands) set with eyelets or watch utube for directions
Ribbon (life on the beach-travel from June 2011-utube) add penholder

Binding ideas

Binder rings, ribbon ties
Ball chain
BIA (can’t add or change) but it holds items more securely. Limited size
Tie ribbon, yarn or even small tags (cut from DP) to binding

            Just go to utube and type in any of the title words
   did a travel one with ustream last May/June 2011
          See cruise journal pictures of a journal that a classmate was working on; it is really a              good example of a smash travel journal, I am sorry that I don't know who created this book.
Journaling hints
       Joanna Campbell’s book: "The Scrapbook Journaling Companion" –
       also, we all have journaling/verse stamps that could start a page.
       Start with a dedication page
Journaling prompts in addition to / or repeating from above
from Tim's blog for use with his adage tags:
the definition of adage tickets reads: a word that embodies a common observation...
SOAR “what makes my spirit SOAR is _____”
ADORE “what i ADORE most about _____ is _____“
LOVE “what i LOVE about life is _____ “
BLISS “i am in utter BLISS when _____”
TRUST “what i TRUST most is _____”
LIVE “to LIVE is all about _____”
DREAM “i DREAM someday that ____”
PLAY “taking time to PLAY means ____”
WISH “if had had just one WISH it would be ____”
STORY “the title of my LIFE story should read ____”
HOPE “i HOPE that the world ____”
GIGGLE “the thing that always makes me GIGGLE is ____”

*I am; Remember to:; I like this:;How I spend my days with pi chart; Today was; Heard; Seen; *Brain lint; Think tank; Nowadays; I'm awesome because; I wish; If I could go anywhere; 3 things on your bucket list; Top 10; Good stuff, I like___, I love ____, I want ___, I need ____;
*Hello, my name is_____ (name, DOB, hair color, eye color, religion, occupation)
*Where I will be in (5)  (10)  (15) years  Where I was
*I Am… (roles you plan)
*Random facts about yourself (unique, idiosyncratic details)
*Favorites: (remember our website)  food, color way to spend an evening, flavor, taste, fragrance, smell, memory as a child, candy bar, tv show, place to travel, book, movie, place to shop, websites, singer/band, pair of shoes, magazine, song, purse, quote, time of year, person.
*Questions to answer: Names you go by, parts of your heritage, things that scare you, everyday essentials, what are your wearing right now, two physical things that appeal to you, two of your favorite hobbies, two places you want to vacation, three things you want badly, three things that stereotypically make you a “chick”, make and model of your first car, name of first boyfriend, three places you have lived, four things you are grateful for, what is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery, favorite pair of shoes, why?, if you could have dinner with anyone from the past or present, who and why?, if you could go back in time, where would you go, If I only knew then what I know now…, name your worst fear, if you had to be represented by an object in your home, what would your choose, if you had an entire day with no commitments or obligations, how would you spend it, if you were to choose a musical instrument that best describes you, what would it be,
*ABCs of me: Act your age Book you are currently reading Chore you hate doing Dad’s name Essential make up items, Favorite singer, Gold or Silver, Hometown, Ice Cream flavor, job title, Kisses what kind do you prefer? Living arrangements, meat favorite kind, never…, overnight hospital stays, packing habits, quote that you love, right o r left handed, siblings, time you get up in the morning, unique habit, vegetable you can’t stand, worst habit, xrays, yummy food you make, zodiac sign
*What is your favorite photo ? who took it? When was it taken? Where was it taken?
*Life list: things to do before your time is up. Where do you want to travel.  Goals you want to accomplish.  Purchases you want to make?
*What are you passionate about? (being a mother, wife, philanthropist…)
*List the things that you can’t do without, be it extravagant or humble.
*What makes you laugh, sad.
*Quotables, what makes them meaningful for you
*Year in review: JAN where did you ring in the New Year, did you make a resolution, who did you kiss at midnight         FEB: did  you have a valentine. Who was your favorite card from        MAR: did you celebrate St Patty’s day, are you Irish, do you believe in Leprechauns       APR: april’s fool joke? Did it rain much            MAY: what’s your favorite part of spring, favorite flower           JUNE: did you go on vacation? What year did you graduate from school Does your house have a pool JULY: did you go somewhere special to celebrate the Fourth. Who was there, what was the weather     AUG: favorite memory of summer, did you swim much this summer, did you vacation at the beach  SEPT: do you like the fall or summer better, did you go back to school, who was your favorite teacher           OCT: any Halloween parties, what did you wear? Favorite candy          NOV: do you like turkey? Who did you celebrate with? What are you thankful for     DEC: what did you ask Santa for, where did you celebrate the holidays, did you go to any parties, rate your overall year.
*Places you have been
*Timeline of your life
*ISMs    What are some of the quirky things that you say and do
*Reflect: If my __ year old self met my age ___ self
*Goals: physical, mental, family, friends, relationships, financial, school, work, just for fun
*Imperfections: blemishes, flaws, limitations, faults, and inadequacies… we all have them. It is a simple fact that no one is perfect. Share some of the things that you would attempt to do if you didn’t have to be perfect. What would you learn to do? Would you learn to play a musical instrument: would you go to law school,  “If I didn’t have to be perfect, I would…”